Las Damas
Las Damas were active from the beginning of the founding of the Centro Asturiano
in 1902 until the late 1940s. At that time the emphasis shifted to the Ladies' Auxiliary for the Centro Asturiano Hospital and Las Damas ceased to function.
In 1986 as the hospital operations were winding down, Eva Ciaccio reinstituted Las Damas to help support the Centro Asturiano Clubhouse and Cemetery. Las Damas’ biggest project was raising the funds to install the elevator in the clubhouse.
Over the years, Las Damas have raised funds by sponsoring fashion shows, teas, luncheons, white elephant sales, cookbook sales, roasts, and monthly bingo games. Some of the projects Las Damas have raised funds for are listed below:
Installing fire sprinklers in the clubhouse
Restoration of the Covadonga and Salón Asturias
Curtains for the Theatre’s stage
Ivory curtains in the Ballroom
Refurbished the previous Ballroom Floor
Purchased portable bar, dishwasher, ice makers, and refrigerators
Contributed thousands of dollars towards grants which renovated the bathrooms, library, fire escapes, and ballroom
Provided funds towards operating expenses of the Centro
For several years Las Damas held Campo de España – a summer camp for young children to learn about Spanish culture and customs
In the past, they have also supported the Cemetery by installing the irrigation system, repairing the fence, and recently donating funds toward a kiosk and new flag poles.
Las Damas also lend support to Los Caballeros in their fundraising event – Día de Asturias, and for the celebration of Día de Los Reyes. In June 2011, Las Damas del Centro Asturiano were honored by receiving the Vicente Martinez -Ybor Award – a Legacy award from the Ybor City Museum Society – given to groups or individuals who have worked to uphold the Latin Heritage of Ybor City.
Las Damas del Centro Asturiano Officers 2022-2023
President - Jenilda Gallo
Vice President - Cynthia Castillo
Treasurer - Judy Blanco
Recording Secretary - Rose Marie Nelville
Corresponding Secretary - Carolyn Fulgueira
Historian - Judy Lombardia
Sergeant-at-Arms - Eilleen Pupello
Parliamentarian - Elizabeth Downing
Chaplain - Maria Fernandez